Welcome to the mental health and addictive disorders south-east asia telehealth and e-resource hub.

About this Telehealth and E-Resource Hub

This online resource hub and telehealth portal on Mental Health and Addictive Disorders has been developed as a resource center on mental health and addictive disorders to the various stakeholders in the World Health Organization South East Asia region.

While the content has been developed with an aim to offer the basic understanding of some of the common and priority mental health and addictive disorders, the different sections of the various modules may appeal to the audience across a wide spectrum of qualifications, skill sets, experience and expertise. These include the health program co-ordinators, program managers, health care professionals including physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, primary level health care workers among others.

master has been devleoepd by the eNDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi with support from the World Health Organization Regional Office for South East Asia (WHO SEAR).

Navigation guide

The content has been offered as Modules. Each module covers one of the common and priority mental health and addictive disorders. Currently the moduels on Alcohol Use Disorders, Self-harm/ Suicide and Substance Use Disorders are available. The modules are organized into different sections. Some of these sections include knowing the terms; debunk the myths; burden; risk and protective factors; screening; assessment & management; and prevention.

Modules offered

The following modules are offered currently-

This module offers the basics of Alcohol Use Disorders. The module includes sections on knowing the terms; burden due to alcohol; standard drink; screening and brief intervention; assessment and management; and prevention.

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This module offers the basics of Self-harm/ Suicide. The module includes sections on knowing the terms; debunk the myths; burden due to self-harm/ suicide; risk and protective factors; assessment and management; and prevention.

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This module offers the basics of Substance Use Disorders. The module includes sections on knowing the terms; burden due to substance use; screening and brief intervention; assessment and management; and prevention.

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